Researchers at HRL Laboratories, a Malibu, CA firm, have shown that their novel transcranial direct current stimulation system successfully helped novice pilots improve their flying skills. The team tested their technology by employing an advanced flight simulator while volunteer subjects wore a cap that was monitoring brain waves and delivering low-current electrical signals. But first, expert pilots well versed in tasks that were to be taught to the fresh aviators had their brain activity recorded during flying exercises. The pattern of this activity was then replicated and directed toward the brains of the novices during the same training exercises, while some of the novices received sham treatment.
The researchers found considerable improvement in how the new “stimulated” pilots operated the aircraft compared to those that received sham treatment. While an early proof of concept, the technology may herald a future in which we are able to absorb and retain practical knowledge in a variety of subjects by taking advantage of others’ previously established expertise.
Here’s more about the study with the team that developed the technology:

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