Psychiatry Tech presents Future Of Mental Health Early intervention and integrated approaches to recovery (Featuring Paul Gionfriddo)

Paul Gionfriddo, Former President and CEO of Mental Health America, has held multiple mental health related positions throughout his 40-year career, and advocates for early intervention and integrated approaches to recovery.

About Paul Gionfriddo

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Paul Gionfriddo (, the former President and CEO of Mental Health America, has worked in a variety of health and mental-health related positions during his 40-year career.  He joined MHA in 2014, and was responsible for coining the concept “B4Stage4” to describe MHA’s long-time focus on prevention, early identification, early intervention, and integrated approaches to promoting recovery for people with mental health concerns.

His essay How I Helped Create a Flawed Mental Health System That’s Failed Millions – And My Son, was published in Health Affairs in September 2012. His policy memoir, Losing Tim: How Our Health and Education Systems Failed My Son with Schizophrenia, was published by Columbia University Press in October 2014.

From 2013-2017, he served a four-year term on the National Advisory Council to the SAMHSA Center for Mental Health Services. He was a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives from 1979 until 1990, and also served as Mayor of Middletown, CT from 1989-1991.

Paul is a graduate of Wesleyan University, and resides with his wife, Pam, in Middletown, CT and Alexandria, VA.

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